People have asked me why I picked the Eagle head for my company. I picked it because, I have always been fascinated by that animal. It is a bird that is amazing. Amazing in flight, in getting their prey and in flight it is amazing watching them. I am just fascinating with them. That is why I picked it. It is just by fascination. I had a friend in highschool who took care of sick ones and when they felt better it was so amazing watching how they fly. My cousin who lives in Dubai, has two and he has one, which his wing span is over 13 feet long. I am so fascinated by that. When they look for food they spot it miles away and take one shot and precise. What is amazing is the female bald eagle have longer wingspans than males, so that means the flight is precise and gliding is amazing. That I find so fascinating. So each species is different. Male Bald Eagle Wingspan is 6.4 feet and inches that is 76.8 . and the female Bald Eagle Wingspan is 7.2 and inches that is 86.4 Wingspan . Thank you for your time I hope one day you can experience one gliding for food it is amazing to see.