Seeing the trouble in Haiti lately have had a deep profound on me. It has truly touch my heart. I have lost friends and family, but I think that the Haitian people will be okay. We have been thru a lot. Friends and family from all over the world are helping us. It is amazing what people can do when we all come together for a greater cause. The world has problems all over right now and coming together and helping from a small community to reach out to a greater one is amazing. Either helping storing can goods to ship out for helping others is great. Clothing, for someone to wear to prevent them from catching a cold is amazing. Sending bottles of water so people can drink clean water is amazing. The devastation of the Hurricane in the East Coast is not a joke either, nature is trying to heal itself. So we can not stop its path. But helping one another we can do that . That we can do BEST. We all have in all of us and we must not forget that. Thank you anyone for helping anyone in anyway possible that need a helping hand. TRES BIEN.