Well last week I wore one of the products which I sell. This tee shirt was the one that says J’adore Californie. This lady approached me at the supermarket and asked me where did I get this nice tee shirts. I said to her that I sell them. She then continued to tell me why French. I told her that is my first language. I told her that I was born in Port au Prince, Haiti. She was so excited to learn about Haiti. Due to the recent assisination of the President and the Earthquake in Haiti. Haiti has been on the news more than usual. I told her that French is spoken by most of the Carribean Islands. I told her the people speak Creole and French is the language for school and business. She was so amazed by the information. I gave her my business card, and she said she would check things out. Selling the items is also a way to let people know the nice things about Haiti, the food, the place, the people and the way of life in a little country that contributes so much to History and culture in the Carribean. Well, thank you for listening, I will continue spreading a little about Haiti and all that it has to offer. Merci bien.
This picture represent me, as a little girl I loved climbing the coconut trees. I would get 4 to 6 per day. LIFE was GRAND. TRES bien.